General Audition Information

Thank you for your interest in auditioning at Blue Water Theatre Company. Below you’ll find general information about auditions. A separate audition page, with detailed information, will be posted for each play or musical about one month before the show’s audition dates.

Who can audition?  Blue Water serves youth in 3rd-12th grade. Most shows involve either 3rd-8th graders or 9th-12th graders. Audition announcements will specify the grade level range of youth involved. All experience levels are welcomed.

What does an audition consist of? Auditions for a musical consist of singing and acting. Blue Water provides audio tracks and sheet music of 2-3 songs from the show for those in Gr. 3-8 to choose from to demonstrate singing ability. Youth in Gr. 9-12 are often asked to select their own song to sing. They can sing acapella or play a karaoke track of the song on a cell phone or other device. Acting is demonstrated by reading from a side (short portion of the script) or reciting a monologue (excerpt from a play, book, movie, etc.) If the musical features a lot of dancing or a specific style of dance, those auditioning may also be taught a simple dance combination at the audition to demonstrate their skills. 

Auditions for a play involve reciting a monologue and/or reading from the script. Actors may also be asked to participate in an improv exercise.

Sometimes a director or music director needs more time with youth in order to make casting decisions. When this happens, some or all of the youth auditioning are invited to callbacks. Callbacks usually take place the same week as auditions and actors are seen in groups. If a  director has callbacks and someone isn’t invited, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t be offered a role in the show.

Where do auditions take place? Auditions are held at our theatre located at 605 Rice St. E. in Wayzata, MN. If an actor can’t attend auditions in person, they may submit a video instead.

Do actors need to do anything else beforehand? Blue Water must have a completed Actor Audition Form on file for each actor by the time of their audition. The electronic form asks for general information (name, grade, address, experience, family contact info) as well as a listing of conflicts that the actor has with the rehearsal schedule and performance schedule. If auditioning in person, actors also need to sign up for an audition slot. Slots are usually 5 or 10 minutes per individual. Sometimes directors like to have youth audition in small groups. In that case, audition slots will be for a longer period of time.

How and when do actors find out if they get a role in the show? A cast list will be posted on the show’s audition webpage by the date and time specified on that webpage. Actors/families may be asked to formally accept or decline the role offered by completing a Google form.

What’s the time commitment for those who get a role? Actors typically rehearse for 6-8 weeks as noted below.

  • Gr. 3-8: Rehearsals are held Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 5:00-6:45 pm and on Saturdays from 9:00 am – noon.
  • Gr. 9-12: Rehearsals are held Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:00-9:30 pm and on Saturdays from 1:00-3:30 pm.
  • Summer shows often have a compressed schedule. Rehearsals may occur during daytime hours.

Most shows have eight performances (Thursday-Saturday at 7:00 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm for two consecutive weekends).

Is there a fee for participation? Yes. Tuition fees are $400-$435 per actor for productions that take place during the school year. Summer rates may differ. Payment plans and scholarships (full, half, and partial) are available.

BWTC Scholarship Policy and Application

Are there other ways for youth to be involved? Yes. There are opportunities for youth to help with behind the scenes work on sets, props, costumes, lighting, sound, and more. Those wanting to help out regularly during performances can fill out a tech crew interest form for the show which are often made available a few weeks after the show has been cast. There is no tuition fee for participation on the tech crew.

Questions? Contact or call 952-855-9147.